Sunday, August 24, 2014

Summer part 2 !

We found lots of our summer pictures. So this blog is going to be long . Here is our summer in pictures.      
Her is me, and my friends at In-N-Out.
Here is our family at the drive in theater. We watched Maleficent.
Here is our old activity girls and scout groups. We went rollerblading.

This is us in our pool. It melted here in Arizona.
Here are the boys at scout camp. 

This a water slide that me and ami loved going on.
Here is us with some of our family in San Francisco.
Here are us kids in front of the temple.
Here is Meilani and i sitting by the alligators at the zoo.

With our dad we went to play golf and lazor tag.
Towards the end of summer i went to la with my dad and we saw and met some family.